If you open a preset file from the sandpack repository, you'll see it is made up of smaller sandpack components and has limited logic for passing props to those smaller components.
If you need a custom version of sandpack, you can opt in to use these smaller components, which are also exported from the main package.
Before talking about the actual components, let's dive into how sandpack manages its internal state.
Sandpack Provider
The core of sandpack is managed by the SandpackProvider, central point of our architecture. The provider abstracts the functionality of sandpack and places the public state values and functions on a context object. The React components that are exported by the main package (eg: SandpackCodeEditor, SandpackPreview) use that context object to communicate with sandpack.
Editable example
import { SandpackProvider, SandpackLayout, SandpackPreview, SandpackCodeEditor } from "@codesandbox/sandpack-react"; const CustomSandpack = () => ( <SandpackProvider template="vanilla" theme="auto"> <SandpackLayout> <SandpackCodeEditor /> <SandpackPreview /> </SandpackLayout> </SandpackProvider> ); export default () => <CustomSandpack />
Running this snippet will render a preview with a vanilla template, because the sandpack logic is running behind the scenes and the template, if omitted, is vanilla.
Under one Sandpack provider, you can have multiple sandpack-clients. For example, the most common case for multiple clients is when more than one SandpackPreview has been rendered.
To access all the clients or to pass messages to the iframes under the same provider, use the useSandpack hook, which gives a way to interact with these clients:
const ListenerIframeMessage = () => {
const { sandpack } = useSandpack();
const sender = () => {
Object.values(sandpack.clients).forEach((client) => {
client.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("Hello world", "*");
return <button onClick={sender}>Send message</button>;