Integrate Monaco Editor
The monaco-editor is a well-known web technology based code editor that powers VS Code. This section will guide you on how to use the Monaco Editor in Sandpack
If you want to jump right into the code check this sandbox example
Install the Monaco library
To use Monaco in Sandpack first we need to install the Monaco library by running the following command:
yarn add @monaco-editor/react
This library handles the setup process of the Monaco editor and provides a clean API to interact with Monaco from any React environment. Here is the GitHub repository if you want to learn more about the library
If you are not familiar with the Monaco library this is how a basic Editor component looks:
import React from "react"; import Editor from "@monaco-editor/react"; function App() { return ( <Editor height="90vh" defaultLanguage="javascript" defaultValue="// some comment" /> ); }
Now create a component called MonacoEditor, and put the Editor component inside a SandpackStack. This is what the MonacoEditor component could look like, you can play with the properties to meet your needs.
import Editor from "@monaco-editor/react"; import { useActiveCode, SandpackStack, FileTabs, useSandpack, } from "@codesandbox/sandpack-react"; function MonacoEditor() { const { code, updateCode } = useActiveCode(); const { sandpack } = useSandpack(); return ( <SandpackStack style={{ height: "100vh", margin: 0 }}> <FileTabs /> <div style={{ flex: 1, paddingTop: 8, background: "#1e1e1e" }}> <Editor width="100%" height="100%" language="javascript" theme="vs-dark" key={sandpack.activeFile} defaultValue={code} onChange={(value) => updateCode(value || "")} /> </div> </SandpackStack> ); }
If you are unfamiliar with any of the code in this guide make sure to check the Advanced Usage section for a better understanding.
Finally, using a SandpackProvider you can integrate the MonacoEditor component like the following example:
export default function MySandpack() { return ( <SandpackProvider template="react" theme="dark"> <SandpackLayout> <MonacoEditor /> // Your Monaco Editor Component <SandpackPreview style={{ height: "100vh" }} /> </SandpackLayout> </SandpackProvider> ); }