Install the Sandpack dependency on your project.
npm i @codesandbox/sandpack-react
All the components and the bundler are packed inside the Sandpack component, which is a named export of the package. Besides that, the package contains multiple components, utilities and typings.
This should give you a nice code editor with a preview that runs in the browser.
Editable example
import { Sandpack } from "@codesandbox/sandpack-react"; export default function App() { return <Sandpack /> }
To use Sandpack with CDN, simply include the Sandpack tag in your HTML file and specify the CDN imports inluding Sandpack and its dependencies.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <script type="importmap"> { "imports": { "react": "[email protected]", "react-dom": "[email protected]", "react-dom/": "[email protected]/", "@codesandbox/sandpack-react": "[email protected]" } } </script> <script type="module"> import React from "react"; import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"; import { Sandpack } from "@codesandbox/sandpack-react"; const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); const sandpackComponent = React.createElement( Sandpack, { template: "react" }, null ); root.render(sandpackComponent); </script> </head> <body> <div id="root"></div> </body> </html>